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Post by Pudfark »

One Canadian to slap the shit out of a few American Tree Hugging Assholes...

R_D...are ya up to a day trip...and some light work?

Energy in America: Keystone XL's Oil Sands Pipeline Up in the Air

The national environmental fight over the oil sands in Canada has reached a flashpoint in a pipeline battle.
TransCanada wants to build a 2,000-mile pipeline from the oil sands of Alberta to refineries in Texas, known as the Keystone XL.
While supporters say it would create up to 20,000 construction jobs, generate tens of billions of dollars a year in tax revenue and improve energy security, opponents argue it would harm the environment and feed the nation’s addiction to oil.

The $7 billion Keystone XL would cross six states before ending up near the Gulf of Mexico. It would allow oil producers to pump 900,000 barrels a day more from the world’s second-largest oil reserve. The U.S. already gets 2 million barrels of oil per day from Canada which accounts for 20 percent of its imports.
Before TransCanada can build the new pipeline, it needs approval from the U.S. State Department.

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