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The attack at Ft. Hood

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:55 pm
by Pudfark
The latest news indicates 12 dead and 31 wounded....what a tragic mess....Well, can't blame Obama for this one....probably have to go back as far a Clinton and Bush in between point the blame....I just don't want to believe, that our Army, on the largest base in the U.S. (used to be the entire free world) didn't have enough Military Police to secure the facility and any problems occurring there....and had/have to employ civilian cops to half assed do the just makes no friggen sense to me....Further, that Darnell Army Hospital could not handle 31 wounded adults and had to transport them to Temple, Tx which is 30 miles away....When I lived at Ft. Hood, 100,000 soldiers were stationed there plus their dependents....Hayseus christo, we got an army that can't defend itself, an army hospital that can't treat the wounded, so we compensate by using armed civilian cops and local civilian hospitals....WTF? What the hell has happened to the integrity in our Military to allow shit like this to occur? Now, I am really really concerned...cuz bullshit ain't gonna solve this problem..
It's systimic....

Old Pudfark sez: We are fucked....

Re: The attack at Ft. Hood

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:08 pm
by DKoor
Pudfark wrote:Well, can't blame Obama for this one....

Re: The attack at Ft. Hood

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:55 pm
by callmeslick
was it a case of Hood not being able, on an emergency basis, to handle gunshot wounds? That does seem worrisome for a military base, not so much that one would expect this sort of thing, but accidents happen.
The lack of MPs is sort of a puzzle, as you point out, as well. My only disagreement with you is that you immediately want to assign blame, to politicians, for something that could reflect a host of issues. It could reflect military leadership within the ranks, morale issues, modern-day mental/drug issues. Who knows, actually?? Looking to blame someone tends to prevent one from getting at the true 'why' of a situation.
I note that the one ID'd shooter was a Major. Further his name sounds Middle Eastern, which should get the haters in the nation going. Still, as you hint, in these times, for security to be slack enough for 3 shooters to unload on a secure Army facility in the US sort of makes one shudder.

Re: The attack at Ft. Hood

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:00 pm
by ruggbutt
It is Obama's fault. He's at the helm. He's cut military spending and he promised change. I remember several months ago he was making excuses as to why we shouldn't be giving veterans health care. He wants to put that under their private health care plans. Also, this touchy feely bullshit about not alienating Muslims is pissing me off. Anyone happen to catch the name of the Major who did the shooting? Most likely a sleeper agent. And he ain't Catholic.

Re: The attack at Ft. Hood

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:03 pm
by callmeslick
ruggbutt wrote:It is Obama's fault. He's at the helm. He's cut military spending and he promised change. I remember several months ago he was making excuses as to why we shouldn't be giving veterans health care. He wants to put that under their private health care plans.

Thanks for illustrating my point above. Jump to conclusions, and learn nothing.

Re: The attack at Ft. Hood

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:04 pm
by ruggbutt
callmeslick wrote:Thanks for illustrating my point above. Jump to conclusions, and learn nothing.
I'm taking the exact same stance you took with everything George Bush did. The difference is I'm not a democrat so you won't ignore it. That's number 12 from the DNC playbook.

Re: The attack at Ft. Hood

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:12 pm
by callmeslick
ruggbutt wrote:
callmeslick wrote:Thanks for illustrating my point above. Jump to conclusions, and learn nothing.
I'm taking the exact same stance you took with everything George Bush did. The difference is I'm not a democrat so you won't ignore it. That's number 12 from the DNC playbook.

you didn't actually read my stuff during the Bush years, did you? I actually laid off the guy, except for when he was up for re-election(I didn't think he earned it). Putting the lie to your simple minded guesswork about the DNC, I will freely admit that I voted for the GOP candidate for Supreme Court justice in PA on Tues.
She was the better candidate, even though the party line was that we needed a Dem to control redistricting after the census(her win gave the GOP a 4-3 edge and the court draws the boundries). Still, the Dem is a putz, who IMHO didn't do a good job as a lower court judge, so why reward mediocrity? That better be the lesson the Dems learn from Tues, they sent out two problems in NJ and VA and got handed their asses.
Obama won because he was clearly the better candidate, any old Dem is not going to get coattails from his popularity. Interesting that the talk about 'referendum on Obama' died real quick. The exit polls in both states had all voters supporting Obama by 57-60%.

Re: The attack at Ft. Hood

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:32 pm
by ruggbutt
Every time you try to explain away how "moderate" you are, I remind myself about your stance on illegal immigration. And that pretty much says it all. Fact is that the DNC wants more illegals in this country to vote, to keep them in power and to take more handouts from them. And there you are drinking the DNC Kool-Aid. I've voted democrat and was registered democrat at some point but changed because I was fed up with bullshit like blaming AK-47's for school shootings. And the whole more taxes bullshit. And the whole "more government" bullshit. The repubes aren't much better at this point but I just have a hard time with anyone who thinks that it's ok for certain skin colored people to break the law, abuse the system and take as many handouts as they can get.

You're a feck of a long way from what JFK's democratic party was. That was the last time you libs had any nuts.

Re: The attack at Ft. Hood

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:40 pm
by callmeslick
ruggbutt wrote:Every time you try to explain away how "moderate" you are, I remind myself about your stance on illegal immigration.
my stand is exactly the same as George Bush's, except I wish to pursue employers far more vigorously.
I just accept the reality that you cannot deport 12 million people without pissing away a vast amount of money and further damaging a recovering economy. By the way, I note that Mexico is in a sharp economic decline that should last 5 years, so brace yourself for more 'amigos', since the GOP is intent on blocking plans to crack down even more than Obama has started to on employers of illegals. If the jobs are there, they will be coming, walls, deserts, whatever gets in the way.

You're a feck of a long way from what JFK's democratic party was. That was the last time you libs had any nuts.
hell, ruggie, I'd probably be a Republican, were it still the party of Dirkson, George Romney and the like.
I ran far and fast once Reagan made his pact with the devil(social wingnut conservatives) to get elected.
And, I've stayed put, a moderate Dem with homes in fairly middle of the road/moderate conservative areas.
You worried about an intrusive government? I present to you the party that wanted to have the Congress
and the President get involved in a single family's right-to die case(Schiavo).

Re: The attack at Ft. Hood

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:18 pm
by ruggbutt
callmeslick wrote: I present to you the party that wanted to have the Congress
and the President get involved in a single family's right-to die case(Schiavo).
ROFL. It's ok to kill children before they're born though...................Frankly it's not governments business on both counts.